You will need a few


Resources for Images

Andrea Thüler's Images - SoulCollage® Facilitator and Trainer shares copyright free images for use in SoulCollage®.

Colleen Benelli's Photo Galleries - SoulCollage® Facilitator and Reiki Practitioner offers copyright free images in photo galleries on her website.

Denise Bossart Free Backgrounds - SoulCollage® Facilitator & photographer offers copyright free images for use as background images on her website. New images are added monthly.

The image resources above are for your personal use with SoulCollage®.

You can order supplies from Handford Mead Publishers, Amazon or your local office supply store.

Your first decision is to decide if you want to use the thick poster board strength card stock or use regular 5x8 index cards that are less think cards.

On the left is the thicker card stock and on the right is regular index cards.

You will often see people online using the thick blue card stock. This product makes a lovely card that stands firm when you lean it on something to observe the card. The stack of cards can be quite large.

The thinner index card stock creates a smaller stack of cards that are more easily portable. You could later glue them onto the thinker card stock.

You will need to make this decision at the beginning of your SoulCollage® practice.

You will want clear sleeves for your cards. This one seals at the top with prepared adhesive. Until I know the card is complete I just tuck it into the top. Works that way as well.

You will appreciate quality scissors but you can upgrade to that later. You will want a smaller one for cutting detail and a larger one when cutting from magazines.

I highly recommend this glue stick but many other glue sticks will be adequate.

I do not use the exacto knife but many do enjoy it’s precision. You will need a matt to support this process.

I highly recommend this frame. It is very useful when determining how to shape the images for your card. You can make your own or purchase it online.

Lots of Magazines!

AND you will need lots and lots of magazines. Check out at your professional offices asking for their leftovers or your local library. My friends have gladly offered their magazines to find them a good home!