Does Soul have DNA?

Science has unequivocally demonstrated that each and every cell in our body bears our unique DNA signature. This fundamental genetic code carries our hereditary information or blueprint that our body meticulously heeds, orchestrating the creation of cells, organs, hormones, and intricate physiological systems such as the Cardiac, Respiratory, Endocrine, and Musculoskeletal systems. It is through these genetic cues that our body receives essential instructions that govern its development and functionality.

Some of our personality is thought to be influenced by our DNA, as indicated by research on the Big Five personality traits known as OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These traits show a genetic component that contributes to our individual differences in personality.

(Power, R.A., Pluess, M. “Heritability estimates of the Big Five personality traits based on common genetic variants.” Transl Psychiatry 5, e604 (2015). 

That’s my body and maybe a part of my personality. But it feels like there is more?

 Is there a Soul DNA?


Carl Jung, the renowned Swiss psychiatrist, made a significant contribution to our understanding of the human mind through his theory of the Collective Unconscious. In this groundbreaking theory, Jung proposed that every individual is inherently equipped with a reservoir of universal knowledge and imagery, stemming from the collective experiences of our ancestors. This reservoir comprises a tapestry of timeless stories, symbols, and patterns so deeply embedded in our unconscious that they may often elude our conscious awareness.


Seena Frost, the brilliant founder of SoulCollage® and a Jungian Therapist, delved into the depths of the human soul to create the transformative SoulCollage® Deck. With profound insight, she dedicated one of the suits of the deck to the powerful archetypal energy that resides within each of us, naming it the Council Suit.


Exploring this complex suit of cards can be a daunting challenge for many individuals. It is intriguing to note that while archetypes are not commonly discussed, their influence is pervasive in our lives, as evidenced by the recurring patterns they represent. Concepts such as The Good Mother, The Healer, The Warrior, and The Fool seamlessly integrate into our everyday conversations, the literature we engage with, and the movies we eagerly watch.


It is not for you to fully understand them, their complex theory, or their historical origin. Instead, it is for you to become aware of those profound archetypes that you are actively embodying, as well as those that are quietly waiting to be stirred within you. Once these archetypes are awakened you will not only contribute to creating harmony within yourself but also allow them to profoundly influence and enrich your perception of the world around you. 

Is that really Soul DNA? I don’t know. But it does contribute to the understanding of the powers that continually create me as I unfold in this lifetime.

Sheila Spain PhD

Sheila Spain PhD, MFT, RN
While professionally retired I have started the Art of Soul as a way to facilitate SoulCollage® and other Artistic process for personal growth, balance and understanding.

Our Family Tree and My Grandma


Community Suit - The Well