During the four Tuesdays in February we will explore each of the four suites of the SoulCollage® Deck:
Committee Suite - Community Suit - Council Suit - Companion Suit
We will start with the Committee Suite, the parts of our personality that show up as our committee. Not everyone comes to the table every day. Some get along with each other. Some argue and cause drama. Some are critical causing doubt and guilt. Are you ready? Let’s go meet some of them!
Let the magic begin! I will guide you safely on this journey. Creating space for your intuition to speak, guidelines for creating your cards and a safe community for you to share with.
Bring images of individuals that are drawn to you, to along with images of backgrounds that speak to you. Bring your 5x8 cards, glue stick and scissors and we will explore.
I am offering these specialty suit workshops on four consecutive Tuesdays in February at 12:00 noon PT. The workshop will be two hours long.
Cost of Workshop is $20
Priced for Beta classes