There are three cards called Transpersonal Cards in the SoulCollage® Deck that represent presence but do not speak.
Witness Card- SoulEssence Card - Source Card
While the cards in the suites represents the many parts of us, Transpersonal Cards represent the larger picture - The Oneness - of which we are a part. Our Source Card represents this aspect. There is a spark of Source that is your individual Soul. Our SoulEssence Card is a representation of your soul. Your consciousness is represented by the Witness Card.
Underneath the personal diversity of our Neters and the world’s complexity exists Oneness, a Mystery out of which these forms arise and back into which they return.. (Seena Frost, Soul Collage Evolving, pg 11)
Let the magic begin! I will guide you safely on this journey. After learning more about this set of Transpersonal Cards we will use meditation to open up our intuition. We will create cards that represent each of these three concepts: the cards that “hold space” for your SoulCollage® journey. I will offer guidelines for creating your cards and a safe community for you to share with.
Bring images that speak to you at a profound level - cosmic level concepts
Bring your 5x8 cards, glue stick and scissors and we will explore.
This will be the final workshop in this series of your SoulCollage® Deck on Tuesday March 5th at 12:00 noon - 2:00 PT. The workshop will be two hours long.
Cost of workshop is $20
Priced for Beta classes