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The SoulCollage® Deck - One Suit at a Time: The Council Suit

During the four Wednesdays in April we will explore each of the four suites of the SoulCollage® Deck:

Committee Suite - Community Suit - Council Suit - Companion Suit

The SoulCollage® Deck - One Suit at a Time

Wednesday April 3, 2024 - The Committee Suit

Wednesday April 10, 2024 - The Community Suit

Wednesday April 17, 2024 - The Council Suit

Wednesday April 24, 2024 - The Companion Suit

With the completion of all 4 workshops will met the requirement for

The Introduction Workshop for Facilitator Training

Individual workshops are $35/workshop

or sign up for all four of the workshops for $120 ($20 Savings)

The Counsel Suit I find to be more mysterious and tends to take discovery time to identify them and be introduced. However, once you have discovered them they offer great guidance and wisdom. These netters, energies or archetypes glimpses into how we are woven into the larger story.

These Neters have more power to bring transformation than other Neters: they generally speak in the subtle language of the heart rather than the language of the mid, the ego or of other people. (Seena Frost, Soul Collage Evolving, pg 55-56)

Are you ready? Let’s go meet some of them!

Let the magic begin! I will guide you safely on this journey. Creating space for your intuition to speak, guidelines for creating your cards and a safe community for you to share with.

  • Bring images of individuals that are drawn to you, to along with images of backgrounds that speak to you.

  • Bring your 5x8 cards, glue stick and scissors and we will explore.

I am offering these specialty suit workshops on four consecutive Wednesdays in April at 11:00 AM PT. The workshop will be two hours long.

Cost of Each Workshop is $35

Cost for all four workshops is $120 ($20 savings)

Register Here

April 10

The SoulCollage Deck - One Suit at a Time: The Community Suit

April 18

Embracing Those Unlike Me