The Divorce Journey
No one plans on divorce.
Divorce surprises you.
Divorce interrupts you.
Divorce changes who you are.
You might be one who finds yourself submerged, drowning, striving to reach the surface for fresh air. Or your heart is suddenly wretched out of your insides along with all of your dreams of how life would become. You may be one so blunted by trauma that you just take it as another heart-breaking situation in your life. Maybe the divorce was deeply needed for yourself - yet wonder why hurts so much.
Maybe the divorce wasn’t yours! But that divorce shattered your family or your friendship. Maybe that divorce left you a type of orphan with no one to guide you. Whatever happened, you had no control and life was never the same.
I will not argue that divorce is a devastating experience and goes to the roots of who we are. However, divorce is also a school. Divorce is an opportunity for transformation. Remember the astronauts on the Apollo, sorting through the pieces of what they had to work with? Divorce is similar to the people on the Apollo you are left with minimal parts to rebuild your survival. Yet rebuilding is always possible.
If we think in terms of SoulCollage® cards many Committee Cards or parts were damaged. They need healing and rebalancing. They even need each other to work together. We can lean into our Community Cards which represents our support team during divorce times to bring forward those that are willing to walk with us on the divorce journey. And to learn how to graciously let go of those who choose not to support us. We know there are several Council Cards representing our archetypes and guides who offer their wisdom of survival and recovery that we cling to or at least acknowledge they are there. The Companion Cards representing the energies in our body often show us what needs healing, strengthening and rebalancing. Our animals show up and tell us that story.
If divorce is fresh and you are emotionally raw, your cards can be a useful tool as you begin to navigate this process. Perhaps your divorce journey happened earlier in your life and you are fully into your new life’s path, however bitterness and resentment continue to darken your path. Maybe you are considering divorce as a solution but the process is too sad and overwhelming. Or you are one who got caught in the crossfire of someone else’s divorce.
The divorce process, shared in community, using your powerful SoulCollage® cards as a personal guide for healing and building your new life with balance, free of resentment and fear can be very helpful.
The divorce journey is as different as snowflakes! While I have walked that path myself, I have also stood beside friends going through the process, and as a marriage and family therapist I have provided professional support and guidance for the journey.
Join myself and others as we use our SoulCollage® cards and process to explore:
1. What parts need healing and balance
2. How to carefully choose our community support and whose voices we must dampen
3. Which archetypes and guides we will draw strength and messages of guidance from
4. How our animal energies will be our strength and wisdom once they are balanced