When the Tiger Walked In
Companion Suit Card in SoulCollage®
Suddenly, my husband had cancer! He was going to die soon! No he wasn’t going to die, that was a mistake! Treatment is started! I am at his side. We are doing this together! We’ve got this!
Dreaming one night during that time, I am walking down the sidewalk of a dimly light residential area. Street lights barely shining but multiple reflections bouncing off of evergreen bushes surrounding me, my steps - right, left, right left, my feet rhythmically touch the sidewalk, finding my center. Suddenly two eyes appear across the street from me. The eyes are connected to a beautiful but terrifying Tiger. I quietly keep walking but the Tiger’s eyes lock on mine. He stops and starts moving towards it’s prey - it’s me! The Tiger crosses the street, slowly at first, then a full out attach. He’s heading right towards me and “whosh!” he runs through me like I wasn’t there. I woke up, my heart pounding, gasping for breath! I oriented myself to reality, getting my bearings, calmed myself down and once again returned to sleep.
The next morning I pondered the strange dream, very few of which I ever remember. But this one was unforgettable. The Tiger had not devoured me - but had run through me. What did that mean? I assumed it was a metaphor for the cancer and moved on. There was time for little else.
Fast forward 23 years. I am learning SoulCollage® and exploring the four suits. I explore the animals that I am drawn to. I explore the chakra centers and the animal energies that lie within.
I remember the dream. Suddenly I know, in that way that we suddenly just know
- the Tiger didn’t run through me - the Tiger ran into me.
I needed that Tiger energy to weather the storm through my husband’s cancer, then one year later my cancer and one year later my nephew’s cancer. The strength, dexterity and prowess of that Tiger were all needed skill sets for that three year journey. The Tiger ran into me not through me!
During one of the meditations for the Companion suit by Seena Frost different animals were discovered in several chakras - but I didn’t know where the Tiger would find it’s home. During one meditation while I was focusing on another chakra animal I saw the Tiger out of the corner of my minds eye curl up in a ball like a cat in my second chakra. The Tiger in my second chakra waiting for when that energy will be needed again.
I am so grateful Seena Frost incorporated the body into her theory of SoulCollage®. The body and it’s energies explained through the 7 chakra system. A grounding energetic force to draw on throughout your life. A way of understanding these energy centers, when they are out of balance and how to rebalance them bringing inharmony to your energetic system.
I encourage you to explore the Companion Suit and discover who is waiting for you there. Spend time in meditation with the chakras and animals, creating your own personal totem that help you connect with the energies you carry in your body.